The Exchange

Managing agent: London Residential Management Ltd

Important details & contact numbers

Office Hours:

7:00am – 11pm

Property Relationship Manager:
Operations Support:

James Christie
Sinazo Silika

Contact Number (all maintenance & accounts queries):
Out of Hours Emergencies:

020 7438 1080
020 7438 1080

Email address (all maintenance & accounts queries):
Lessee Portal:

Please ensure that the entrance door is firmly shut after you have entered or left the building.

Fire Brigade and ambulance service:
Gas leaks/Transco (Free Service):
UK Power Networks:
Thames water:
British Gas:
Aylesbury Vale District Council:

0800 111 999
0845 9200 800
0333 202 9802
0800 035 6422
01296 585858

Durkan Contact Details:

Customer Service
Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm
0208 619 9900

Out of Hours
IDCC – at all other times inc bank holidays
01923 268 123